Tom Wright will give an invited lecture on his research into 'articulacy' in the nineteenth century at the University of Regensburg, Germany, as part of a
Tom Wright will give an invited lecture on his research into 'articulacy' in the nineteenth century at the London Nineteenth Century Seminar at Senate House, University of London.
Arlene Holmes-Henderson and Tom Wright launched a Speaking Citizens 'Action Research project' partnership with the English Speaking Union to share findings with teachers from over 20 schools across England and Wales, at Dartmouth House in central London. The project continues throughout 2023.
Tom Wright appeared on BBC Radio's flagship ideas discussion programme In Our Time with Melvyn Bragg on the topic of 'Charisma' alongside Linda Woodhead of King's College London, and David Bell of Princeton. You can listen to the recording here.
Arlene Holmes-Henderson and Tom Wright spoke at 'Speaking Freely: Finding Words', a special event at the University of London's School of Advanced Study co-convened by the Institute of Historical Research and Institute for Classical Studies. Details here
Arlene Holmes-Henderson and Tom Wright spoke at the Reuters Institute at the University of Oxford on the idea of the inarticulate citizen and the importance of classical rhetoric
Stephen Coleman was a keynote speaker at Oracy@Cambridge's 2021 online Conference on 'Changing Minds' at the University of Cambridge
Speaking Citizens hosted a session on 'Powerful Protest: How Does Language Enhance Activism' as part of the Sussex Festival of Ideas. You can watch the event here:
Tom F. Wright spoke about nineteenth century black female public speakers at the British Association for American Studies Digital Conference.
Our entire team spoke at an online Public Seminar discussing the status of our project a year in. You can watch a recording of that event here:
Tom F. Wright and Arlene Holmes-Henderson spoke at a 'Rhetoric in the Humanities' event at the Centre for Intellectual History at the University of Sussex
Tom F. Wright spoke about the radical history of c18th elocution at a special research seminar at the Université de Bordeaux-Montaigne, France.
- Stephen Coleman, Arlene Holmes-Henderson, Stuart Dunmore and Tom F. Wright addressed the research seminar of the Cambridge Educational Dialogue Research centre (CEDiR) at the University of Cambridge. You can watch a recording of that session here.
- Stuart Dunmore presented at the Research on Language and Linguistics at Sussex (ROLLS) seminar on 'Ethnolinguistic identity in a transatlantic minority: Gaelic in contemporary Canada'
To find out more see: http://sussexlinguists.blogspot.com/
- Stuart Dunmore, Arlene Holmes-Henderson and Tom F. Wright spoke at the Language in Context Seminar at the University of Edinburgh