We are working with professional stakeholders, NGOs, and parliamentary groups to integrate our research findings into policy.
By working collaboratively, we aim to increase provisions for oracy and literacy education.
You can find out about our research and policy activities below where there are further links to our blog.
We are working with the ‘Political Literacy All Party Parliamentary Group’ to discuss provisions for citizenship and political education in schools and further education colleges. In April 2021, we were awarded funding from the Sussex Knowledge Exchange to share our research findings with the APPG.
Find out more here.
Team member Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson has recently been involved in a landmark report on the provision of oracy education in the UK, published by the 'Oracy All Party Parliamentary Group'. As an expert witness, Arlene has submitted evidence based on her research into oracy, rhetoric and critical skills.
Find out more here.
In January 2021, Arlene was awarded funding from the University of Oxford Strategic Priorities Fund for Policy Engagement (Research England) to share her research findings with the 'Oracy All Party Parliamentary Group'. Arlene has recently been involved in the publication of the APPG’s ‘Speak for Change Inquiry’ report.
Find out more here.
In April 2021, Tom was awarded funding from the University of Sussex's Higher Education Impact Fund to collaborate with the organisation Shout Out UK to support research for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Political Literacy. This new collaboration will see Speaking Citizens help shape the direction of empirical survey data and lobby for educational change.